Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Forge take two and working hard

Day two of Forge tryouts took place last Sunday. It was a pretty good day, with an intrasquad scrimmage at noon and then a scrimmage against Pitt at 2.

During the Pitt scrimmage, I was talking with Wes about my ultimate career right now and said something pretty cool to me:

"If you play for Forge, you can be more than just a role-player on Pitt-A next year, you can be a player."

I think that's an important piece of advice, and I'm going to follow that (not just Forge, but working hard) this summer. I'm ready for the A-team. It's been 4 years coming.

Anyways, the night before, I iced off-and-on my groin injury and it apparently worked. I played to two intense scrimmages and walked away sore on Sunday, but no injury.

Right now, we're in the midst of a two-week break before another tryout weekend the 16th and 17th. I believe it will be run very similar to this past tryout.

In the meantime, I'm working on sprint workouts, going to the gym when I can and throwing as much as possible. It's the summer, I can do this.

Not much else to talk about personally on the Forge end.

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